A Social Network with a Purpose.
Dedicated to the sharing and collecting of knowledge.
Project Goals
- Create a social network that allows users to share and save information.
- Enable the development of a community built around intellectual pursuits.
- Deploy a functioning site with all of the following features:
- User authentication and account management
- Display upcoming Meetup events (using Meetup API)
- Ability to create posts and view a feed of posts
- Ability to save post to personal Knowledge Base
Project Features
- Users can create posts. If there is a URL in the post, it is displayed as a link and a preview of the site contents is included when the post is displayed.
- Users can search for other users by entering part or all of a user's name or email.
- Users can follow other users.
- Post feeds are displayed in reverse chronological order (newest posts at the top).
- The Social Feed includes the posts of all the users the current user is following as well as the current user's own posts.
- Upcoming local technology related Meetup events are displayed based on the zipcode the user provides.
- Users can edit their account information and view other users' profiles.
- Users can "like" and comment on posts.
- Users can save posts to their personal Knowledge Base.
- Users can edit and delete posts that they have made. They can also delete comments they have made.
- Users have a profile viewable by all other users which contains their profile information, posts they have created, and their Knowledge Base.
- Users are authenticated using the PassportJS Local Strategy.
- In the case of a forgotten password, account recovery is available. A link is emailed to the user which they can use to reset their password.
- All user actions are validated server side to ensure that the user is logged in and has permission to access the requested data.
- Users can upload a profile image and use the included tool to crop and rotate it.
- Accounts can be quickly deleted at the user's request if they can verify their password.
Technologies Used
Front End
- Vue
- Bootstrap
- Node
- Axios
- Vue Croppa
- VeeValidate
- Linkify (npm: linkifyjs)
- Moment
- Vue.js toggle/switch button (npm: vue-js-toggle-button)
- Zipcodes (npm package)
Back End
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- AWS S3 (image storage)
- Multer S3 (npm: multer-s3)
- Passport Local Strategy
- Nodemailer
- Zipcodes
- Axios
- Other npm packages used:
- async
- connect-history-api-fallback
- connect-ensure-login
- morgan
Public APIs
- Meetup API
- LinkPreview API
Instructions for Use
General Use
Visit the deployed site or clone the repository and build the app yourself using the instructions below. (Be aware that the process for building the app yourself is very involved and requires you sign up for some services.) When you arrive at the landing page, register for an account. Once registered, you should be automatically logged in. Open the menu in the top left corner of the screen to navigate the site and search for other users. Use the above explanation of features to learn what the site has to offer or just explore.
Building the App
If you wish to build the app yourself, you must have Node, Yarn (package manager), and MongoDB installed on your machine. You must also register for an Meetup API key, a SendGrid.com account, and an AWS S3 account. Clone the repository to your local machine. Make sure you have a local MongoDB server running. Navigate to the root of the repository in your CLI and run yarn install
. In the root of the repo, create a file named .env
and add the following code to it.
Add your information in the appropriate places directly after each equal sign. The first three values pertain the AWS S3. Alternatively, you may attempt to build and run the site without registering for all three services, but the server will crash when you attempt to start it and you will have to use the error messages to determine which lines of code to disable until the server starts without crashing.
To run from the development server, run yarn dev
in the root of the repo. Open a second CLI window and run yarn start
. The front end should be running at localhost:3000
with the back-end server running at localhost:8080
. Visit localhost:3000
in your browser. The API calls should be automatically redirected to port 8080. Alternatively, you can build the app by running yarn build
in the root of the repo. Once the build is finished, run yarn start
. The app should be running at localhost:8080
Development Team
This project was developed by Hunter Trammell, David Knittel, and Ryan Freeman.
Hunter Trammell
David Knittel
Ryan Freeman
Any and all questions, comments, suggestions, or proposed contributions are welcome. Please email them to David.